Sunday, November 13, 2016

What I've been up to (and what I've learned over the past two years)

Hey folks,

I really need to start posting on here more often....

My generalized laziness aside, these past couple of years have been pretty crazy! I've been in a touring band, gotten my first commissioned works, started the process of doing music as a career instead of a hobby, and started a few new projects as well!

First and most important I'm in a band called "The Fringe." It's an acoustic originated project that is surprisingly relevant even in this day and age of DJ based music monetization.

I work with one other person by the name of Erik Flesher who sings, and runs our sound system at the same time. (talk about multitasking!)

As you can already tell this project has a very grassroots oriented approach. We went into this thinking "If we have only 3 or 4 people who really get it, we'll consider ourselves blessed"

Well needless to say it was pretty rough starting out. Our first show was opening for a much more established local act and we were given an hour slot. I hadn't played in a band since my high school years playing in a semi traveling worship team. This was a completely different world to what I was used to. I was incredibly nervous, and I didn't think I could get through that short show. Fast forward to our last show, and we have played a festival, a few benefits concerts, and several local gigs. Our last show being what amounted to 6 hours of a show. 5 hours on stage and 1 hour set up and tear down. Not bad for a couple music nerds who have no social skills!

Goofing aside this has been and continues to be an incredible experience and I absolutely love our new friends and fans. Being able to connect with people at our shows in a communal way, sharing something so powerful, there's nothing quite like that moment when you hear the crowd singing over the crazy loud speakers.

Another thing that is incredible about this project I would have to place blame on Erik for. Every place we played (save for one country and western bar in central Illinois) has invited us back for multiple shows. That in itself is incredible and it shows just how much you guys understand what we do. I can't thank everyone enough for things like that.

Other than my band, I'm still pursuing my career as a composer, songwriter, and producer. When I first got into composing it was an incredible feeling. But it was completely daunting. You see modern composers write music, record the audio (or midi), mix, master, and find commissions all on their own.

It's taken a lot of time, and even more schooling. But over the last year I've started networking more and more. Meeting new people, and finding opportunities for work.

And as a result I received my first commission last Winter! In the process of learning more and more about the business side of composition, I've discovered a few more avenues in which to turn my passion into a bit of cash.

Between writing for production libraries, creating sample packs, and stock audio, I'm finding that my door into a full career of work may be in Indie Gaming.

Growing up with an Atari 2600 and the Original Nintendo, I was pretty intimate with games throughout most of my life and was easily able to recognize their value as a method of telling deep and powerful stories.

And now that love for games and the stories they tell may be my path in life. My career folding hand in hand with my favorite modern storytelling medium.

Though it is true I supplement my income currently with commissioned writing assignments, I'm happy to say that for the most part of two years, I've been a "professional" musician.

It's not at all what I thought it would be. But I absolutely love it!

I do hope the fact that someone as goofy and uncoordinated as myself being able to pursue my dreams and make headway towards building a legacy inspires anyone that might read this and have a dream of their own.

Don't give up, keep working, and don't settle!

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