Friday, March 1, 2013

My studio workflow.

It bugs me to death when my favorite producer's avoid talking about their production work. Specifically the things they use.

I'm more of the type to want to help rather than worry about someone using the same gear I do. I never want to be like that. EVER! So starting today I'm going to be doing a series on just about everything I use in my production. Today I'm going to do an overview of the things that I use. From there I'm going to be doing reviews based on how I do the music.

So without further delay, here's my gear.

I'm a huge Native Instruments junkie. So I have the following items

Kontakt 5
Absynth 5
Reaktor 5
Guitar Rig 5
Battery 3
Kore 2

A special note on Kore 2; it's discontinued, however I suppose you might be able to find one used on the web.

The easiest way to get all that if you want it is to get the Komplete 8 Ultimate bundle. Which is what I did. I've been a Komplete user since the 6th version.

I got Driver as a special Christmas promotion and it was free for a limited time. Native instruments likes to do cool stuff like that.

Maschine you can't buy in a bundle but it's definitely worth it!

I run everything in Maschine, doing sound design and primary production in Maschine.

Then I take everything bounced out into stems then mix and master in Logic. Yes I master my own music. I know a lot of folks don't like that idea, including my College. However I have a sound in my head and I don't like the idea of paying hundreds of dollars to someone who doesn't know what I'm going for.

I also do a lot of my traditional recording (vocals, guitars, basses, etc.) in Logic for me it's much easier.

I do all my sheet music in Sibelius 6. They are currently on version 7 however I'm personally happy with the features of 6.

My music computer is a Macbook Pro, it's pretty stable and I like the Operating System, so I go with that.

If you like PC better more power to you.

My recording interface is an Mbox 3 Mini, I got it with Pro Tools 8 LE which I'm not a fan of. So I just use the interface.  But the truth is when it comes to D.A.W. its what works for you.

I have 2 keyboard controllers, M-audio keystation 88 es and M-audio Oxygen 25.

I use two microphones both condensers MXL 990, and MXL 991.

It's a long list, but it's what I use. I'm not listing the physical instruments because all of my guitars and basses are relatively inexpensive, and again it's one of those things based on your own personal preference.

That's a huge thing about Music, it's not necessarily what you use but how you use it.

Keeping that in mind, this has been the most cost effective solution I've ever used. Well everything except the Mac. However it was part of my College requirements so it was provided for me. I still had to pay for it but I was given a huge school discount.

When I return for another blog in this series, I will start going over the items included in Komplete 8 Ultimate!

I hope this series helps with your music.

Finger Picking

Well folks there's something to be said about changing a routine. Though routines are pretty great, I have to say that I am happy with the results. As a musician or songwriter, we get used to doing things the old fashioned way. Doing things all the way we've done them for years on end.

As such I have never been good with finger picking a guitar. I started working on that today and I noticed something really cool. Turns out what when I focus on finger picking when I'm writing I come up with more interesting rhythms than if I would do it any other way.

It really opens me up and gets the juices flowing, and I'm looking forward to seeing the results of those efforts.

I can definitely suggest trying something different once in a while. Whether that be a new playing technique, or a new genre entirely. It may just inspire your current efforts.

Well even though this one was rather short today, I hope that it helps and you get something out of it.

Everyone have a great weekend!